Course Care
Cottesloe Golf Club asks Members and guests to contribute to the care of the course by repairing on average, one pitch mark per hole. Please read the document attached below about why we should repair our pitch marks.

Course Care Video Tutorials
Teaching professional Matthew Heath, shows correct technique in a series of video tutorials on how Cottesloe Golf Club would like Members and guests to repair pitch marks and fairway divots, and the technique for correct bunker entry and bunker raking.
Cottesloe Golf Club encourages you to take a moment to view these videos.
Course Care Instructions
Competitors are reminded of the necessity to rake bunkers and repair fairway divots and pitch marks on the greens.
Fairway Divots – should be repaired by knocking in the sides of the divot with a golf club (in herring bone fashion) and then scuffing over the area with your shoe.
Pitch Marks – should be repaired by using your fork to push the grass at the edge of the pug mark towards the centre of the hole. Do not use your fork to lift the ground.
Bunkers – should always be raked after having played out of them. When leaving, the rake should be positioned outside of the bunker and in line with the flag.
Course Care Etiquette Program

Each Monday during the months of April to September from 4-5pm, volunteers take to the course to repair divots and pitch marks and assist in the preservation of our course.
The CCEP purpose is to:
- EDUCATE Members to take care of their own damage whilst playing
- MOBILISE Members to share the passion by volunteering their time
- EMPOWER Members to be proud of their course
If you would like to join the CCEP group, simply turn up on a Monday at 4pm with a club in hand, and your sense of humour, or you can contact Richard Ferreira on 0400 255 211 for further information.