Playing at Cottesloe Golf Club
Getting a Tee Time
Cottesloe Golf Club is a private golf club, however there are opportunities for visitors to play our course.
Members of a Reciprocal Club with a reciprocal agreement may seek a tee time. To view our reciprocal clubs, click HERE.
Guests and Green Fees
A Member inviting a guest should report to the Golf Shop and pay the appropriate green fee. The Member is responsible for the conduct of the guest and is to ensure the guest conforms to the dress standards and observes the Conditions of Play.
Guests wishing to compete in competitions must request the approval of the respective Captain, have a handicap under the World Handicap System and be Members of playing categories of Clubs affiliated with Golf Australia or the relevant international governing body.
Guests cannot win a monthly stroke event and may only play six rounds in any year. Guests are not permitted in any Men’s competition in the four weeks preceding the Cottesloe Cup.
Sons, Daughters and Grandchildren
Provided the course is available to guests, Members may invite their immediate family: life partners, sons, daughters (under the age of 25) to use the course and club practice facilities after 4.00 pm during the Summer Season, December 1 – February 28. Additionally, Members may invite their grandchildren (under the age of 25) in the same manner.
Other players on the course have priority at all times and prior to play on course, and Members must report to the Golf Shop.
Local Rules
Cottesloe Golf Club has its own local rules, some of which may change from time to time. To view our current local rules, please click on the below image.
To be read in conjunction with the Rules of Golf and the Cottesloe Golf Club Local Rule Boards.

Changes to the rules of golf
Golf Australia has recently advised us of changes to the rules of golf, to take effect, 1 January 2023. We encourage you to click on the link below to familiarise yourself with these changes. of Golf Instructional Videos
There are many natural and artificial obstacles on a golf course. In this series of videos, Teaching Professional Matthew Heath, demonstrates how to manage some common impediments on course.
On Course Etiquette
All golfers are expected to abide by our course etiquette requirements.
Course care:
- All divots must be repaired, both on and off the fairway, by chopping in
- All pitch marks both on the green and on the skirt must be repaired with a pitch repair tool
- Buggies must not be pushed over greens
- Carts should remain approximately 10 metres from the green
- As far as possible , buggies should not be pushed between greens and green side bunkers
- Carts should use the cart paths as far as possible, and should not be driven off the rough into the bush
To view instructional videos on how to repair divots and pitch marks, and how to rake and enter a bunker correctly, please go to our Course Care page HERE.
Course care extends to how golfers play shots in relation to natural or artificial obstructions on course. To view instructional videos on how to manage some common impediments on course, please go to our Course Care page HERE..
Members are urged to assist in speeding up play by:
- Being prepared to play at all times except in Match Play
- Ready to hit when it’s your turn to play
- Walking directly to your own ball
- Placing buggies in the position which enables the quickest clearing of the green when the hole is completed
- Playing a provisional ball in stroke events whenever doubt exists about finding the original ball
- Establishing who has the honour before reaching the tee and having the player with the honour ready to hit before marking their card
Dress Standards
On the course and practice facilities, in the Clubhouse and surrounds, and in the Lounge, Terrace Room and Dining Room:
- Golf attire should be neat, tidy and appropriate for the conditions
- Golf shirts must have fold down collars or a mock turtle neck
- Cargo shorts (with multiple pockets) are not permitted
- Golf shoes must have soft spikes
- For women, exercise clothing (eg leggings), should not be worn on the course unless under approved golfing attire
To view a copy of the full dress code, please see attached.
Other Rules
Mobile Telephones
Mobile phones may be used for distance measuring, scoring, text messages and voice mail, emails and to access the internet. They must be in silent mode except in cases of emergency.
Mobile phones should not be used in any way which interferes with other club Member’s enjoyment, either in or around the Clubhouse or on the course.
Responsible Service of Alcohol
In accordance with the Liquor Control Act 1988, staff are obliged to ensure that responsible service practices are employed at all times. Staff have complete discretion to determine when to cease the service of alcohol.
The Clubhouse is a smoke free environment and smoking (including e-cigarettes) is not permitted in the Clubhouse at any time. Members should be courteous to fellow Members and guests when smoking on the balcony.
All players to please note the following procedures to prevent injury to staff.
If a green is being worked upon by staff and the flag is not in the hole, players are not to hit to the green until the flag has been replaced.
In all other situations, players must receive acknowledgement from staff who are in range before playing a shot and generally take other such reasonable precautions as would be necessary in the circumstances to ensure safety to all.
Suspension of Play
Should a representative of Golf Operations at any stage deem the course unplayable, the following procedure applies:
- One blast of the siren means play is suspended. Players should remain on course until further notice. Players may take shelter.
- If play is to be suspended for an extended period of time, two blasts of the siren will be sounded. Players will then mark the position of their ball and return to the Clubhouse.
- If at any stage play is to resume, a further single blast of the siren will sound. In the event of play being abandoned, three successive blasts of the siren will be sounded.
Course Closures
When the course is closed, there shall be no play on the course unless the course is closed for a specific event.
Golf Shop and Golf Operations
The Golf Operations Manager and staff have authority from the Board to:
- Enforce correct dress regulations for players
- Check and question the playing rights of all persons using the course and its facilities
- Collect all green fees
- Enforce the Rules of Golf and Rules of the Club
- Ensure all fields are started according to the time sheets and conditions
- Monitor pace of play
Members and guests are not permitted to have any animal at the Club or on the course unless in a recreational capacity.